Monday, March 17, 2025

Production of CCR's - What I’m Working On

Now we are at the part of the project where I am working hard on creating the CCRs (Creative Critical Reflections). This is where I explain everything we did and everything we learned along the way. Since I’ve been really sick (great timing, right?), I had to adjust how I’m filming these. Instead of going all out with creative formats, most of my CCRs will look like online Q&A sessions, with a mix of on-camera recordings, voiceovers, and visuals to keep things interesting.

I’m tackling these in a few different ways, namely a vlog style of interaction and a type of online Q&A session where I take questions from the audience. I think I can pull this off because it is not out of place nowadays to do most all interaction online.

What you will see is that I will be talking directly to my viewers and will also be adding voiceovers to visuals that will pop up on the screen. Also, figuring out how to edit everything smoothly and making the Q&A format feel interactive and not just like me talking at a screen is a bit trickier than I expected.

I’ve already created the scripts, and I’ve started to create the visuals. I still have to record myself speaking and have been waiting for my normal voice to return. Having to film most of this while sick wasn’t exactly part of the plan, but here we are.

I have to say that even though the CCRs are technically the "reflection" part of the project, they’re still a whole production in themselves, actually four of them. It is a huge project, but it has been an interesting exercise to really look back and see what we overcame and what we achieved.

Just as a reminder these are what the CCRs will be about:
  1. How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?
  2. How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?
  3. How did your production skills develop throughout this project?
  4. How did you integrate technologies (software, hardware and online) in this project?

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Production of CCR's - What I’m Working On

Now we are at the part of the project where I am working hard on creating the CCRs (Creative Critical Reflections). This is where I explain ...