For this second CCR we are being asked to answer the following: How does your product engage with audiences, and how would it be distributed as a real media text?
This will be in the format of a Q and A VLOG session. This is the script:
Screen: "Answering Your Questions about Admitted”
OPENING SHOT: Davis sitting in front of a laptop with some UM props from the film in the background.
Davis (looking into the screen):
Hey everyone! So, since we’ve been working on our film, a bunch of you have been asking some really great questions. Well, I’m here to answer them, so fire away.
Ok - here’s a great one:
Screen: How do you think your movie will engage with the audience?
Davis: looking into the screen.
Alright, so I guess this would be a great place to reveal this but… we made a made a decision to remove dialogue from the opening of the film.
The #2 flashes on screen:
Davis voiceover: This is only for the first two minutes….2 minutes isn’t a lot of time to develop our characters through dialogue. Trust me, we tried. But don’t worry, the film itself will have dialogue.
Screen: still shots of movie:
Davis Voiceover: During this time, we realized we could say way more with the right shots and editing than with words. So, we focused on expressions and body language instead. We hope that this will allow the audience to connect with our characters on a deeper level.
Davis looking into screen: This ties into a media theory I really believe in - Active Audience Theory. This is where the audience isn’t just watching passively, they are actually an active participant by processing what they are watching through their own experiences.
Screen: still shots of movie:
Davis Voiceover: We take this up a notch by letting them in on something the characters don’t: that Alessandra got in and Davis didn’t. They get to pick up on her anxiety and when she lies and tells Davis she didn’t get in either…well, the audience knows the truth. This tension pulls them in, making them invested in the characters and in how everything will play out.
Ok: one more question
Screen: How will this film be distributed?
Davis Voiceover: How will this film be distributed?
Davis speaking into screen: As far as distribution is concerned, this is something we are always thinking about. We are a small indie film and we don’t have nationwide distribution channels in place...yet. But there are still many ways we can get our movie out there.
Screen: Start sharing screenshots of film festival names, online platforms like YouTube, and TikTok, Instagram for a way to promote the film…
Davis Voiceover: First, we have been invited to show our film at several film festivals. This has always been a great way to get feedback from other directors there and to generate some buzz if people like it. We also have YouTube, and we will strategically use social media like TikTok and Instagram to share clips to get a conversation going about the theme of friendships getting pulled in different directions.
Davis into the screen: So watch it, comment, and send to friends. We are looking forward to sharing it with everyone.
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