Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Group Meeting #1

Today, we had our first group meeting. However, it wasn't a meeting with my group, AKA Alessandra. It was a meeting with people from different projects. The goal of the meeting was to share our film ideas, give feedback, and maybe steal - just kidding, I mean, get inspired by - some of the creativity that was shared. I'd like to first say that my peers are a seriously talented and the ideas were diverse and, in some cases, very deep. Some projects were already well-developed, while others were still in the brainstorming phase, but everyone had something unique to share.

Here is a summary of who I met with and what they’re working on:

Joaquin: Psychological drama. The plot needs some tightening, but it starts with a guy waking up naked to a loud banging on a door. There is some sort of breakup and there is a drug addict involved. Inspiration is Breaking Bad.

Mia: Drama. Hers is about a recovering gambler trying to quit her addiction. The opening scene is interesting. She’s putting clothes into a laundromat machine, drops in a coin, and she starts to have flashbacks at a slot machine. I liked this and I automatically saw the scene in my mind. Just to add to the drama, we find out the protagonist is pregnant and wants to quit for her baby. Mia was playing with the title "Getting," but she’s not sure.

Maiya: Sci-fi, time-loop story. A girl in therapy finishes her session and as she is leaving, she takes her meds. She realizes she just has one left and as she gets into the car, she is suddenly back in therapy. It's an endless loop. Maiya also wants to experiment with color - make everything neutral or actually use colors to create an effect. I think this is a strong concept and look forward to seeing how they execute it.
Davis: Coming-of-age drama. Two best friends sit in a café or restaurant. They have done everything together and are even attending the same college. That is, until we find out that one of them has applied to transfer to another school. It's about friendships that grow, change and even fall apart for a while. It's dialogue-heavy and ends with them parting ways. The audience will want to see them reunite at some point. Potential title: See You Again.

Christian: Also coming-of-age, but more nostalgic. A group of teens who always vlog their adventures meet up the night before college. They’re reminiscing, watching old vlogs of their crazy times together. The final scene is when the camera zooms into the screen, showing a montage of their memories before they all go their separate ways.

Hearing everyone’s pitches made me reflect on our project. Alessandra and I are in a solid place, but I think we could add more depth to our opening scene. The next step is exploring a media theory to tie into our story, and then jumping into the real fun: storyboarding and scripting. It’s going to be a busy week, but I’m excited to see where this all leads.

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